Monday, March 29, 2010

Potato Dinner

This activity is actually something new to me. Im no stranger to bake sales which consist of baking your goods ahead of time and wrapping them up for people to go while they walk by, but open house dinners at local churches have an entirely different system to them. I was assigned a specific job of serving coffee and running back between the food lines re-stocking the soda and helping to serve desserts. This job helped me learn about structure and having a specific duty so as to be part of a whole. Every helper at the dinner had their own specifics jobs all helping the others jobs in some way, building a foundation. I re-stocked the soda while another distributed it out to the people. Id serve coffee and the helper next to me would offer desserts, a specific order about doing things that in the end resulted in lots of people having free food and getting together to to just chat. The event held in order to help people meet new people, over a nice free dinner, and even as a helper I met new people and the whole event brought the group together. So as well as learning about structure and specific duties to perform I also learned a little more about team work, and feeling like part of a bigger picture, as opposed to the bake sale, which was for a foreign country, this activity was for the locals of Cape Cod, my own country.

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